2012年4月22日 星期日

通訊 Newsletter

3 月2013通訊
The more you gamble the more wreckage to your life! Problem gambling is hugely harmful to people! Should you despair because there is no way to quit? By no means! Our first anniversary Thanksgiving dinner promoted this message. Over the past year we brought hope and life change to those who were trapped. Even without financial support from other organizations, we were able to meet the past year's rent and ministry expenditure, praise the Lord! And this gives us the courage to enter our second year of ministry, aiming to heal and save more lost souls. Quote from a caring supporter: "May the peace and joy of the Lord be with you every day, bravely showing the Kingdom of God and His love!". We value such encouragement from you, please continue to pray and support Inner Journey’s urban mission!
喪的人蒙恩得醫治。一位支持和關心「心路」的肢體寫給我們的說話:願賜平安和喜樂的主,每天與「心路」同步,展示神的國度和慈愛!這正是我們需要這樣的鼓勵和心願,請你繼續禱告及支持「心 路」的城市宣教事奉!
2 2013通訊








Dear co-workers in Christ,

An SMS that reminded me I need to work harder: "I have become a problem, every time I’ve decided to quit gambling has ended up in failure, I have lost faith in myself. I really want to die’. Isn’t this message full of frustration and despair? This is how I would respond: Don't give up, insist on your decision! There is hope in failure. Failure is only a trial and training; it is the opportunity to experience the unexpected help of God.

Inner Journey is an innovative urban ministry. We thank God that over the past ten months He has given us so many people to serve and witness to. In this time, Inner Journey has helped 37 people in face to face counselling, while telephone counselling for problem gamblers has increased to 74 calls (with some calls from Melbourne and rural towns in NSW). Furthermore, we have established a body, mind and spirit recovery group for gamblers and their families, which meet every Monday at 7pm. At present there are 15 regular participants.

Meanwhile Pastor Michelle Choy is committed to promoting the spiritual life renewal programs. There were a total of 27 participants last year, and there has been good spiritual life growth among them. Last year, since October 2012she is has established Sunday worship for those in need.

Please find attached an invitation to our 1st anniversary celebration and thanksgiving dinner. We earnestly hope you will attend and consider inviting others. Please pray for this dinner in order to maximize our service to those trapped! Through this dinner we seek to raise awareness of problem gambling prevention, witness God and promote our service to the community.

Rev. Tony Choy & Michelle Choy

最近兩次在教會的主日講道後,有肢體分享家人的賭博問題及請求幫助。讓我深深印證賭博問題帶來沉重的代價!從報導知悉紐省八個賭徒當中就有一人存在危險的賭博問題。而賭博對社會有多方面的影響,最另人關注的有嚴重的家庭經濟問題、超高的信用欠債、關係破裂、 家庭暴力和自殺。在過去二十年,維省賭博的金額在穩步增加,從1988年小於10億元至今(2010-11)竟然增長至50億元。
November 2012 Update
Recently while I was preaching at two churches, some people earnestly shared with me their families’ gambling problems and asked for help. These encounters have confirmed that problem gambling comes at heavy price! In addition, a recent report alerts us to the dangers and costs of excessive gambling - almost one in eight gamblers in NSW is at risk of problem gambling. Social costs include serious family economic problems, high credit indebtedness, relationship breakdown, family violence and suicide. Furthermore, the amount gambled annually in Victoria has steadily grown over the past two decades, from less than $1 billion in 1988 to more than $5 billion in 2010-11.
As I shared this information at our co-workers meeting, one co-worker joked, "It’s an endless opportunity!". Not that we are gloating about our service, but we have really seen the damage of gambling. Currently we have a total of 33 persons on our face to face counselling list, while each Monday night over 10 people attend the Recovery worship group. Plus we have just started a Sunday worship meeting for gamblers and their spouses. At this point, we give thanks to the Lord, and hope that you now have a better understanding of our urban mission and know how you can pray for us!
Yours in His service
Rev. Choy

Newsletter July 2012




  除了蒙上帝賜給我們這些果子,我們亦全賴祂供應營運經費。「心路」是全憑信心運作的獨立城市宣教事工,沒有任何宗派和財團的財務支持,經費全部來自主內肢體的愛心奉獻。我們所需經費約每月澳元$6000 ,而且至今還未能支付同工薪酬。盼望弟兄姊妹按感動以禱告和愛心奉獻支持我們的事工。

  若主內肢體願意支持「福音戒賭事工」,請把奉獻存入Inner Journey (Australia)Westpac的銀行(BSB 032-260; Account 301-930)。請把存款記錄以電郵或短訊寄回,以便我們寄回收據和致謝。


Sharing the Gospel and transforming lives through gambling counseling

Dear Brother and Sister in Christ:

Since March 2012, Inner Journey has given ongoing counselling to fourteen problem gamblers and has provided phone counselling to many others and their family. Every Wednesday a group gathering and worship is held at our office especially for these people and family members. In June, one attendee accepted Christ as their savior; the first fruit of our urban ministry. Praise the Lord!

The coming months will be a busy time as we prepare to launch a new believer growth course and two separate training courses on a) problem gambling counseling, and b) spiritual renewal. Please read the attached brochure for more details. We are excited and thank the Lord for allowing us to continually experience the scripture ‘not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit’. It is true and precious!

We thank God for entrusting us with these people, we also depend on our Lord for the daily needs. As an independent faith-based ministry, Inner Journey is not affiliated or funded by other organisations or church. Our work relies fully on God’s provision and the love and support we receive from brothers and sisters in Christ. Inner Journey needs AUD6000 each month to sustain and continue its growth. We welcome you to pray and support us in expanding this much needed ministry.

If you wish to support our ministry through financial contributions, the ‘Inner Journey Australia’ account is held at Westpac Bank (BSB 032-260 Account 301-930).Please send us the deposit records through emails or mobile phone messages, so that we can send you the receipt and our thanks.

Rev Tony Choy and Pastor Michelle Choy

